
Projek Kampung Angkat

Once again “Projek Kampung Angkat” is BACK!!!

This time Imagination Club (i-Club) UKM has decided to take “Projek Kampung Angkat” in Abaco Estate to a whole new approach with more challenging intentions to fulfill.

The cause of the current poverty level of the residents besides their occupation restrictions can also be convicted to the improper financial management as well as the lack of awareness towards saving plans for generations.

Insufficient exposure regarding the fun of learning has put the interest of the children far-off their tracks. Added with the financial constrains of the family has eventually produced academically low-performing kids.

Since seeking medication instantly is never a privilege for the residents, hence a proper hygiene maintenance has failed to be recognized and put into practice.

Now is the time for you to have your share in this life-changing quest of excitement.

Aims and Objectives :
1. Learn the art of serving the community.
2. An eye-opener for students about the existence and hardship of under-privileged community.
3. Unleashing the caring nature hidden inside every student.
4. To lend a helping hand to those less fortunate people.
5. Contributing in making a difference among young generations for a better tomorrow.

Activities :
• Creating bank accounts for kids
• “Learning Is Fun” games
• Educational awareness talk
• “Clean Yourself” activity
• Gotong-royong

Together everyone achieves more.

We are open for donation and sponsorship on this prestigious event. Kindly contact Yuva at 017-5590103 or for more information.

Invite your friends to join too.

Kindly fill up the form as follow and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Direction to Abaco Estate, Beranang (Near Semenyih)

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i-Club UKM