
No Apologies Workshop


No Apologies is a character-based abstinence curriculum that helps young people make wise choices regarding high-risk behavior, including sexual involvement before marriage. The curriculum deals with the value of the individual, marriage, the family and the importance of keeping ourselves pure for our future spouse.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
9:00am - 12:30pm
Desa Amal Jireh, Broga Semenyih

1) Recognize the relationship between love + sex and the benefits of saving sex for marriage.
2) No Apologies is a character-based abstinence curriculum that helps young people make wise choices regarding high-risk behavior, including sexual involvement before marriage. 
3) The curriculum deals with the value of the individual, marriage, the family and the importance of keeping ourselves pure for our future spouse. 

The Programme
The programme started with an interactive session then the workshop is started around 9.00am. 

It is started with Kavita on Healthy Relationships. Healthy relationship is the key message of Unit Two is that we are unique multi-dimensional human beings (emotional, physical, social, ethical and intellectual). Students begin to see themselves, and others, as multi-dimensional. The connection between conduct and character is emphasized. Students set dreams about their future and also set goals to accomplish their dreams. The facilitator facilitates discussion on the obstacles to reaching goals. The class learns about the role character plays in fulfilling dreams. The power of friendship is emphasized.

Second part is done by Hwei Huih about Premarital Sex Has Consequences. In Unit Four, the critical message of the consequences of pre-marital sex is discussed. Unit activities and discussion center on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), to include HIV / AIDS. The lessons bring understanding to sexual progression and drawing boundaries, decision-making, the consequences of pre-marital sexual activity and dispelling the myth of “safe sex”.

Last part is done by Nanda on Abstinence - It Works Every Time. Unit Six defines abstinence and underscores the benefits of self-control and abstinence. Students practice refusal skills against negative peer pressure and learn to create safe boundaries. Also highlighted in Unit Six is the relationship alcohol and drugs play in peer pressure, date rape and in keeping commitments to their dreams and goals. Students who have been sexually active are encouraged to begin again with an abstinent lifestyle by postponing sexual activity until marriage.

We had some questionnaires with the children after every session of talk. We are glad that the response is good and most of the students are interested to it.  We hope the little contribution we did will inspire a better lifestyle to the next generation.

Download our presentation slides.

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